martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

In this page we found a lot of things about the modal verbs, we have learnt this verbs:
- Must/mustn't (deber).
- Can/can't (puedo/sé).
- May/may not (puede que, podría, quizá).
- Will/won't (changes the next verb p.g. I will go = Iré , She will work = Ella trabajará).
- Shall/shall not (is the same as will).
- Could/couldn't (pude/podría).
- Might/might not (podría, quizá).
- Would/wouldn't (changes the next verb p.g. I would go = Iría, She would work = Ella trabajaría).
- Should/shouldn't (debería).
- Ought to/ought not to (debería).
We think this page is very interesting, we should use it for our homework. The modal verbs are very useful and because of that we have to learn them well.
By: Javi Díaz and Lucía Garijo

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