This webpage is about modal verbs, here you can learn about them and do excercises, is very useful because you can see every diferent verb with his conjugation. (Can, could. May, might. Will,would. Shall, should. Must, ought to.)
Definition of modal verbs:
Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. Here are some important differences:
Rules in modal verbs
1 -do not take "-s" in the third person.
He can speak Chinese.
2-use "not" to make modal verbs negative
He should not be late
3-cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses
He should not be late. Not correct
Common Modal Verbs :
Can Could May Might Must
Ought to Shall Should Will Would
Affirmative: can
Negative: can't / cannot
Interrogative Can ...?
I can drivePuedo/sé conducir
I cannot readNo puedo/sé leer
Can you speak Spanish?¿Podés/sabés hablar español?
Affirmative: could
Neg: couldn't /could not
Interrogative: Could ...?
I could finish tomorrowPodría terminar mañana
I couldn't finish tomorrowNo podría terminar mañana
Could I finish tomorrow?¿Podría terminar mañana?
Affirmative: may
Negative: may not
Interrogative: May ...?
I may finish tomorrowPuede que termine mañana (quizá)
I may not work tomorrowPuede que no trabaje mañana
May I use your telephone?¿Podría usar su teléfono?
Affirmative: might
Negative: might not
Interrogative: Might...?
I might finish tomorrowPodría terminar mañana (quizá)
I might be resting tomorrowPodría estar descansando mañana
Might I use your telephone?¿Podría usar su teléfono?
Affirmative: will
Negative: will not/ won't
Interrogative Will ...?
I will speak EnglishHablaré inglés
I will not say that No diré eso
Will you come to the party?¿Vendrás a la fiesta?
Neg: would not/ wouldn't
Interrogative Would ...?
I would speak EnglishHablaría inglés
I wouldn't say that No diría eso
Would you come to the party?¿Vendrías a la fiesta?
Affirmative: shall
Negative: shall not
Interrogative Shall ...?
I shall speak EnglishHablaré Inglés
I shall not say that No diré eso
Shall I drive you home?¿Te llevo a tu casa?
Affirmative: should
Neg: should not/ shouldn't
Interrogative Should ...?
I should study moreDebería estudiar más
I shouldn't waste my timeNo debería desperdiciar mi tiempo
Should you go there now?¿Deberías ir ahí ahora?
Affirmative: must
Neg: must not/ mustn't
Interrogative Must...?
A student must studyUn estudiante debe estudiar
I must not waste my timeNo debo desperdiciar mi tiempo
Must you go there now?¿Debes ir ahí ahora?
Ought to
Affirmative: ought to
Negative: ought not to
Inte: Ought + S + to ...?
I ought to study moreDebería estudiar más
He ought not to drink Él no debería beber
Ought I to be here early?¿Debería estar aquí temprano?
You can find this on the webpages
Antonio Morcillo y Laura Coll 2º C
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